Parish Groups

Welcome to the Catholic Parish of Hervey Bay. We are proud of our reputation as a vibrant and welcoming community, and trust that you will quickly feel comfortable and at home here.

We hope that these pages will be useful to you, providing information about our parish and our various ministries and activities.

Contact the Parish Office on 4124 3334 should you wish for further information, or to enable you to offer your time and assistance to any of the groups mentioned. All groups would be happy to hear from you!


The Parish Pastoral Council shares in the responsibility for the life and development of the Parish, working to provide support for parishioners in their efforts to live as followers of Christ.  The PPC consists of the Pastor together with a group of parishioners nominated by the parish community.

The PPC meets every 2 months on the 3rd Thursday.

You are invited and encouraged to discuss any parish issues, suggestions, ideas or questions you may have with any of your representatives on the PPC.  For information please call the Parish Office on 4124 3334


General Principles:

  1. The code of canon law requires that every person who administers temporal goods on behalf of a group is to consult with that group in carrying out the administration (cf Canons 1280, 492-494,634-640). For parishes, Canon 537 makes it obligatory that there be a finance council to assist the parish priest.
  2. The parish priest is the administrator of the assets of the parish (Canon 532) He is to carry out this task in accord with the norms of canons 1281 – 1288. The finance council is an organ of collaboration of the parishioners with the parish priest in the administration of the financial matters of the parish.


Under the patronage of Our Lady Help of Christians our aim is to promote the goodness and values of Christian family life.  We are ever conscious of the words of Pope John Paul 11 “Let your ideal be the dignity of woman and her mission.”   Our role is to support our Parish and the wider community.

Our group meets on the first Thursday of each month in the Sr Scholly  Meeting Room after the 8.00am Mass.  As part of our meetings we have Gospel meditations or other spiritual formation.  In helping to support the Parish, we are often involved with catering and some fundraising events.  Our membership at present is 17.

We have recently purchased replacement trees for along the front fence line of the Church. We also continue to make donations towards the upkeep and improvements of the Parish Land at Toogoom.

We encourage members to join in ecumenical gatherings.  Membership is open to all Christian  women.


An initiative to encourage closer fellowship and collaboration with other Christian churches in Hervey Bay.   Each year we participate in World Day of Prayer.  Also , we join with St John’s Anglican parishioners each Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

We also are represented on the Hervey Bay Christian Ministers Association, which meets monthly.


The Ministry of Consolation has provided bereavement support for more than 20 years to those who have suffered the loss of a loved one. It is a highly valued service that we are privileged to offer, not often found in other parishes.

Our volunteers have specifically trained to accompany people during all stages of grief for up to two years if necessary. In the first instance, we are often called to assist at funerals with prayers and readings and can meet family members to offer follow up support if requested.

This is by way of phone contact followed by personal visits to the bereaved’s home, or somewhere they feel comfortable. If you are aware of anyone who might benefit from this service, please refer to the contact details below.

Each November we hold a Mass of Commemoration dedicated to those who have died during the past year. This has proved a source of comfort for family and friends, especially anyone unable to attend a funeral. A bookmark memento is given and the Mass is followed by a hearty morning tea.

Our Ministry is in need of more volunteers to train in this important and rewarding work, so we welcome all enquiries and look forward to meeting you.

Contact Us:
The Parish Office: 4124 3334


Communion is taken from the Mass to the sick or incapacitated by approved ministers.

Many people receive Communion in hospital, nursing homes, retirement villages or in their own homes. Additionally, many people are being cared for in their own homes.  Consequently, the need for this Ministry is expanding.


The St Vincent de Paul Society is a Catholic organisation for the welfare of the poor, the homeless and needy in our community.  We are motivated by the words of Jesus “whatever you do to the least of your brethren you do to me.”  Each local society is called a “conference”.  We meet each Monday afternoon for the Rosary and follow with a Meeting. Our Vinnies Shop is operated by volunteers who sort out donated clothes and articles for sale within the shop.  Other volunteers work with furniture etc. delivering for welfare recipients, or repairing and presenting for sale.  They are not necessarily members of the Conference.

Conference members are rostered on between 9.00am and 12.00pm to interview people seeking help and to authorise welfare assistance.  Should you have spare time on your hands, feel free to help as a volunteer or as a conference member of the local St Vincent de Paul Society.  We are often short handed and would welcome your help!

Contact persons: SVDP on 4194 0861


At Centacare Fraser Coast a range of programs are delivered to Hervey Bay and Maryborough communities, which address the needs of some of the most disadvantaged people in our community.

  1. Neighbourhood Care – (funded by Home and Community Care, which is a joint State and Commonwealth initiative) is aimed at keeping people in their own homes for as long as possible.
  2. Relationship Education – (funded by Department of Families and Communities) is a program which encourages healthy, stable relationships through Pre-Marriage Education, Marriage Enrichment Courses, Divorce and Separation Recovery Programs, Hey Dad (a male parenting program) and Remarriage Education.
  3. Community Counselling – providing general personal and family counselling (currently funded for only six hours per week and only in Maryborough).
  4. Personal Support Program – (another Department of Families and Communities Program). This program provides counselling, support, referral and advocacy to people with multiple or severe non-vocational barriers to employment.
  5. Bay Connect – This program provides inexpensive access to computers and the internet.
  6. Drought Counselling – Short term funding made available from the Department of Families and Communities to explore the delivery of counselling to regional communities.
  7. Supported Accommodation Assistance Program – this program addresses the needs of the most disadvantaged in our community, the homeless. We manage nine dwellings in the Hervey Bay Community.

Whilst Centacare employs professional workers, there is also a great need for volunteers.  Training and support are provided.

Contact persons:  Centacare on 4194 0172


Liturgy is the participation of the people of God in God’s work with and through His Church.  The liturgy is the action of the whole Church by which a spirit-filled community offers with Christ, praise and worship to the Father.    The task of the Liturgy Committee is to ensure our liturgies are dynamic meaningful celebrations.

If you are interested in liturgical preparation, please contact us. 


In the absence of a Priest the Church endorses a Lay Led Liturgy of the Word, usually with Communion.  The liturgy is conducted as approved by the Archdiocesan Liturgy experts in line with directives from Rome.

Six people have currently been commissioned to lead this type of liturgy.  Generally they work to a flexible roster.  At present they cover both weekdays in St Joseph’s when a Priest is not available, and as needed in the communities of St Peter the Fisherman, Burrum Heads and St Patrick’s at Howard.  Training and support are offered to anyone interested in this ministry.  All resources are provided.  You are invited to talk to the Parish Priest or to approach any of the people currently involved in this ministry.


The sacristans perform a valuable service to our worshipping community, by coordinating the hands-on work we need to celebrate our liturgy.  They prepare the physical things of the liturgy, keeping an eye on the liturgy’s environment.


Our aims:

  • To liaise with all Parish faith education and spirituality groups.
  • To organize Lenten/Advent program, retreats, workshops, etc, in order to provide a variety of opportunities to nourish the spiritual needs of all parishioners.
  • To  help people better understand their faith,  come to know the person and teachings  of Jesus better, and to understand the mission entrusted to each Christian through baptism
  • To educate people in the teachings of the Church.

We are a group who meet monthly.  New members are most welcome.


This Charismatic Prayer Group meets for prayer, praise and worship once a week.

Requests for prayers are always welcome. Prayer ministry is available.

All are very welcome.


The Legion of Mary is an association of Catholics who, with the sanction of the Church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of all Graces have formed themselves into a Legion for Service.  We seek to make contact with Catholics no longer practicing their faith and we are also involved in the Ministry of Communion to the Sick, distribute Catholic leaflets on how to say the Rosary, and we may be involved with reciting the Rosary before a funeral if requested.

Meetings are held Saturdays. A typical meeting begins with an opening prayer followed by the Holy Rosary.  This is then followed by a spiritual reading from the handbook “Legio Mariae”, reports from members and Catena Legion is prayers.  We finish each meeting by offering prayers for the sick legionaries and parishioners.

Interested persons are welcome to come and experience what our group does.


This group is called The Cenacle of the Marian Movement of Priests.  We gather in homes with the statue of Our Lady of Fatima every Sunday at 2pm.  We pray the Rosary for our Priests and for the intention that all people will hear and respond to the message of our Lady of Fatima in asking people to renew their lives and turn to her Son.


This is a prayer and devotion group that focus on:

Recitation of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary followed by a special prayer that we may imitate what the mysteries contain and obtain what they promise.

  • A special petition to the Blessed Michael the Archangel to defend us in the hour of conflict and be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares and the devil.
  • The Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • Consecration of ourselves to the Blessed Heart of Mary.
  • Singing hymns to Our Lady.

Further information is available and interested persons are encouraged to join.


What is El Shaddai?  El Shaddai is one of the seven covenant names through which God the Father, creator of heaven and earth revealed Himself to Israel.  He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

It is the aim of the El Shaddai Foundation to proclaim to the world the greatness, faithfulness, power, goodness and love of God, to provide relief to people whose hearts and minds are burdened with problems, to heal the spiritual and physical afflictions of men in our time, and to preach the Good News of salvation offered by our Lord Jesus Christ.

People Involvement

El Shaddai members are involved in all ministries of the Mass, and Church cleaning, and also assist with Parish catering when required.


The Family Group Movement, begun by Fr Peter McGrath, a Passionist Priest, in Sydney, 1972, aims to build up community spirit where people know each other by name and share each other’s joys and sorrows.  Groups gather once a month for a family type gathering (picnic, bbq etc) and gradually develop supportive relationships.

Our Parish Family Groups, supported by the Passionist Movement, was set up in our Parish in September 2006, with over 100 adults and children involved.  It is our hope that these groups continue to grow, as more people in the Parish and School communities join in.

Each group consists of about 10-15 families, with a cross section of ages, from babies to grandparents; single people, one-parent families, non-Church attending spouses are all involved.  All are welcome!


This monthly morning tea is aimed at offering an opportunity for parishioners to meet in a purely social way over a cuppa with no agenda except to share each other’s company.  It is hoped that the welcoming spirit of this gathering may allow people to get to know each other a little better.

This is an open invitation to all to gather.

We meet on the last Thursday of every month at the RSL Club @ 9.30am


Meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 9am in the John Paul Centre. This group comes together to share skills and provide a social outlet.  Craft work is often made for donation to the hospital and to support our parish fair or other worthy causes.

The group also meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the RSL Club for a social cuppa (Anyone is welcome to come along).  We meet at 10am on The Deck


The goals of our group are:

  • To encourage and promote the voice of youth in the Hervey Bay City Parish.
  • To provide a variety of faith filled activities for Parish Youth and their families.
  • To encourage and support liturgies that engage the youth.
  • To collaborate with the Parish Pastoral Council and other ministries with the Parish.
  • To foster our youth’s pride in the Catholic faith.
  • To work together with other Christian organisations in Hervey Bay.
  • To engage and support youth in community events.

The Parish Youth Ministry Team believes that by being there and supporting our youth we will encourage and develop a sense of pride, a place of comfort and support as well as a faith that will stay with them forever.

The PYMT members are composed of a number of youth and adults along with the Parish Priest.

Contact person: Carmel Donnelly on 4128 1238


Children’s Liturgy is provided for our youngsters at the Sunday 9.00am Mass during each of the school terms.  The purpose of this ministry is to deliver the day’s gospel message to our children in a child-friendly and age- appropriate way. All leaders are volunteers and each holds a Qld Working with Children’s “Blue Card”.


Trained volunteers go into State Schools which offer the ecumenical RE program.  Scripture is the main focus of the lessons.  Both the Hebrew and Christian scriptures are presented.

Volunteers are rostered to a class to teach in and work in with the school involved.  As the numbers of school age children is constantly increasing in our area, there is a great need for more people to become involved in this ministry.  You would be most welcome if you felt you wanted to come on board and serve in this way.

Volunteers needed!